Blog 3_Week 6_The story of a photograph


This is the photograph of my classroom. In it you can see the piano that we use and you can see historical paintings on the walls. The photo was taken by me in the first week of school this year in March. I like the photo a lot because it reminds me of the moments when my teacher corrects me, they are moments in which I grow as a musician. Generations of musicians have been trained in this room. The room has an inscription on its door with the name "Rudy Lehmann Room", in honor of Teacher Rudy Lehmann, who for years taught in that room until he died. The piano in the room is a piano that was formerly in the Isidora Zegers room, and due to its technical problems they wanted to discard it. Thanks to my teacher's efforts, he was rescued and taken to our room where the necessary adjustments were made.


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